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E X T R A   H E A D I N G

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I have been using Reishi Max for more than 2 years. I got a bottle because my sister was going through breast cancer for the second time and I wanted to give her the benefit of a supplement that has been proven with study after study to reduce cancer cells.

Even though my sister didn't take them, I decided to try, and

I have been using them ever since.

I have not been sick when people in my office were.  And during 2020 my husband and I experienced Covid, and I feel since I was taking Reishi Max my symptoms did not last near as long or as severe as they could have been.

I do credit Reishi Max for that. and feel healthier than I have in a long time!  I would recommend Holly and her advice for the Pharmanex products.

Nancy Grieve

Marietta, GA (USA)

At age 50 I was diagnosed with breast cancer...

And after going through 10 years of chemotherapy, radiation, drugs, and being scared every time I went to have a mammogram, I said this will never happen again.




Avid Tennis Player

Breast Cancer Survivor

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